Episode 042 of the "Total Game Management" podcast from Moultrie is up now! You can access the podcast either through iTunes (just search for "Moultrie"), on our podcast website or you can use the player above. Please be sure to review us on iTunes!
We're back on schedule with Episode 042! The news is buzzing this week from Eric & Donald Trump, Jr.'s trip to Africa, where they were able to harvest a rogue elephant...and, naturally, PETA is very upset about this (and we got worked up about it, but from the other side)! We've got some exciting interviews on the horizon, and turkey season in Alabama is open now! With this 80º weather, it's going to be a great weekend here!
Here's the link for all of our Louisiana duck hunters to weigh in on the upcoming changes to your duck season: http://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/
Congratulations to our winner for Question of the Week: Bryce Hanson! I will be getting your ATA Show Guide and food plot guide out to you this week !
Deals of the Week
M-80xt & D-55IRxt now available at MoultrieFeeders.com
Easy Fold Decoy Jake and Hen Pair-"Field Tested" at carrylitedecoys.com -$14.99 (REG. $49.99)
Spring open water crappie discount 0r 10% OFF at LindyFishingTackle.com - Discount Code is: "LSFSPRINGSPECIAL"
Watsit Grubs
Little Nippers
Watsit Spins
Click here to see the step by step process for redeeming the special!
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Moultrie / Carry-Lite Decoys / Code Blue Scents
Knight & Hale / Summit / LureNet / Lindy Fishing Tackle
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or email us at [email protected]
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This week's closing song is from one of my favorite comedies...and since we've been talking about archery, why not Robin Hood to close us out?!