Episode 041 of the "Total Game Management" podcast from Moultrie is up now! You can access the podcast either through iTunes (just search for "Moultrie"), on our podcast website or you can use the player above. Please be sure to review us on iTunes!
Welcome to Episode 041! We're back to the regular format as the weather has taken a spring-like turn and everyone's thoughts are turning to fishing and turkey hunting!
Congratulations to our TWO winners this week for Question of the Week: David Beckroge and Dane Mason! I will be getting your ATA Show Guides out to you this week, guys!
Deals of the Week
M-80xt & D-55IRxt now available at MoultrieFeeders.com
Peep'n Tom Gobbler Decoy - "Field Tested" at carrylitedecoys.com -$29.99 (REG. $79.99)
Six-pack crappie jigs at LindyFishingTackle.com - 79¢ (REG. $1.99)
Contact us:
Moultrie / Carry-Lite Decoys / Code Blue Scents
Knight & Hale / Summit / LureNet / Lindy Fishing Tackle
Twitter (@moultriefeeders) / Facebook - Moultrie Products / Facebook - The Hit List
or email us at [email protected]
Don't forget you can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes and have us delivered straight to your ears every week...for FREE!!
This week's closing song is "Dear Jimmy Buffett" by Detective Matt Hoggatt of the Gautier, MS, police department. If you like it, please buy the single to support a fellow Mississippian!