By Brandon Wikman
Each year passes swiftly beneath our noses like a gentle summer breeze drifting by. We have a temptation to only recall the bounty of highlights and major influences 2010 has brought to our lives. Whether the sweet recollections were remarkable or definitely forgettable, we will remember them all fondly; because they are memories, the good, bad, or ugly.
This year’s hunting recap for me proved that deer and turkey will always have the upper hand. We can haul new gadgets and gear into our tree stand in hopes of catching a mature buck stumble, but that seldom happens. No matter what you are hunting for, who you are hunting with or where you are hunting… sometimes luck is our best friend.
Hunting free-roaming game is never a slam-dunk, nor will it ever. It takes a set gameplan to shift the odds in our favor. Often, we can be spoiled with good luck during a hunting season. Sometimes everything seems to go just right. While other times, not so much.
After four years of consecutively attending college, working and shooting a television show, my luck simmered down significantly in the woods. I’ve been blessed to slap the tailgate open for several years with a nice Wisconsin brute – except for this year. I’ve ventured into the simmering hot summer days with my bow and bundled up like an Eskimo to face the wintery cold with a gun in pursuit of whitetail. Sadly, I have nothing to show forth but a sore rear end and a melted mind. That’s why they call it hunting!
I’ve pocketed some great memories throughout 2010 and I hope you have, too. I will always remember the hunting trips that went haywire, the deer that never showed up and the time spent pouring my heart into the love of the hunt. And hey, I can’t forget the deer that tumbled down to my shot, also. Although memories are not always a dopamine rush, they are sometimes bittersweet and classic reminders of our life spent enjoying God’s creation.
I hope everyone had a memorable 2010 and look forward to a new year. God bless and good hunting!