Last month I jammed my truck plump full of booth equipment, tables, and promotional collateral en route to “Packer Country.” This was my annual trade show trip to Green Bay Wisconsin’s Deer Hunting Classic.
The Wisconsin Deer Hunting Classic is located a block from the notorious Lambeau field, where the NFL pro team, Green Bay Packers play. There’s such a neat mystique about the area, people, and culture of this fan crazy town. The Northern Wisconsinites are known for two things. They are hardcore hunters and Packer football fanatics. I felt like I was at home!
The 3-day hunting and sporting goods expo was thrilling. I had the chance to meet some of the greatest people I’ve ever met, including archery shooting guru, Frank Addington Jr. Frank is an expert archer that travels the country conducting seminars and performing incredible trick shots. He’s mostly known for his infamous, “aspirin busting” ability to literally split pills in midair by firing arrows behind his back up to 20-feet away.
His amazing ability to showcase his skills was hard to believe. I literally watched him from the front stage popping lofting balloons and clusters of aspirin like it was an easy task.
During the show I also had a chance to meet with great friends and industry partners. We even had the opportunity to snap a photo of this 190-inch monster whitetail shot near the Green Bay area. This giant buck was a jaw-dropping sight. I spotted the man walking through the alleyway and couldn’t let this chance pass! It was a perfect photo opportunity!
The trade show not only exhibited some great hunting products and gear, but also a neat look at some of Wisconsin’s best taxidermy. Amazing wildlife artists showcased their most prized possessions on the show floor. Bear, fox, whitetail, and ducks were just some of the few marvelous mounts exhibited. I was sure to take a bunch of pictures of the new and creative wildlife scenes.
Next stop, another trade show in the Wisconsin Dells area. This show is for the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association. Spring is the time of year where the sporting trade show and expo season gains headway. I look forward to meeting more spectacular people, reflect on hunting stories, and make new friends along the way.