Moultrie’s photo gallery has a new look. We designed our new photo gallery so that our Moultrie users can easily share their great game camera photos. Users are required to sign in to post or rate photos. If you already have a username and password that you use to make online purchases you can use the same one to post in the photo gallery. If you do not have a username, simply create an account. This user name will also work to place an online order.
Right now our photo size has a limit of 0.3MB. If you receive a message saying that your photo exceeds this limit there are several photo editing software programs on the web that will allow you to shrink the file size down so you can post your photos online. Here are just a few resources that you may find useful if you receive that message.
If you have signed in and commented on a photo or successfully uploaded a photo and the comments or photo does not immediately show up, it is because they are pending approval by the web administrator. Most comments or photos will be published within a few hours of posting, comments and photos that are uploaded over the weekend or holidays will usually post the next business day.
We hope that Moultrie users will enjoy the new look and feel of the photo gallery as much as we do. Upload you own photos or comment on the photos that have already been uploaded at