Art caught this promising buck on his Moultrie digital trail camera last November over a scrape. Scrapes and mock scrapes are the perfect spot to set up your scouting camera. Moultrie highly recommends adding a scent dispenser to your scrape, such as Code Blue’s Drop Time, to ensure your bucks will keep coming back. Drop Time is unique to other scent dispensers in that you can program it to dispense at dawn, dawn and dusk, or in 20-minute intervals. Plus, you can choose the method of dispensing scent - stream or atomized spray. The large 2.5-ounce reservoir will cut down on unnecessary trips to you scent site, and we all know how important it is to stay out of the woods as much as possible this time of year. Do you have any tips on how to maximize your scrape location? Let us know by leaving a comment.
Does that stuff have that much effectiveness?
Posted by: Hungrydog | September 11, 2008 at 01:41 PM
Creating a mock scrape and setting up a Code Blue’s Drop Time Dispenser filled with Code Blue Buck Urine can be an effective way to hunt a dominate buck. Since Code Blue’s Buck Urine contains the urine of one deer this creates a realistic threat to a deer that has been calling this territory his own. Deer will often come in and investigate the “new buck” in the area. This can help increase the chances of tagging that big dominate buck.
Posted by: Moultrie Feeders | September 22, 2008 at 04:17 PM