Moultrie Feeders - Helping You Grow the Hunt
Attract and Maintain Wildlife with Food Plots

» Effective Food Plots
» Chufa for Turkey
» Tips and Techniques
» Product for the Season
The National Wildlife Turkey Federation's website recently posted an informative article on effective ways to attract wildlife. If you want to see more wildlife on your property or lease, the NWTF recommends providing quality food and cover. One effective way to attract and keep turkeys on your land is to construct and maintain wildlife openings, often called food plots. For various reasons, openings are popular with land managers throughout the country.

Maintain Effective Food Plots
Chufa - Turkey's Favorite Food
Turkey's Favorite Food Mention planting food plots for turkeys and you'll hear chufa mentioned time and time again. Chufa is indeed one of the best crops for turkeys. It grows well in most soils and takes little effort to plant. Chufa is a bunch grass with a peanut-like nut that grows underground. Other names for chufa are earth almond, ground nut, tiger nut and duck potato. Turkey's scratch-up the tubers and feed on them winter and spring.

Tips and Techniques Tips and Techniques
Planting native grasses in your food plot provides many advantages to turkeys and other wildlife using your land. The following hints from NWTF's wildlife biologists will help you get the most out of your planting:

  • Don't mix native grasses with food crops. Instead, plant native grasses around the perimeter of a plot of food crops such as corn, sunflower and chufa, and run several grass strips through the center of the plot.
  • Food plots are not the only areas to plant native grasses. Utility rights-of-way, thinned pine stands and roadsides are excellent places to plant.
  • When mowing a field, mow strips in the field every other year to ensure cover is always available for turkeys and other wildlife.
  • Don't get discouraged. You probably won't see much above-ground growth the first year you plant your native grass.
Product for the Season
Knight & Hale Game CallsMoultrie has partnered with Knight & Hale to bring you this special offer:

Turkey Hunters Special!

    For a limited time, receive Knight & Hale's Yella Hammer turkey call FREE with your purchase of Moultrie's Food Plot Spreader. Offer ends 4/30/2007
Food Plot Spreader Only $119.99!   Add to Cart! »
Yella Hammer Game Call
© 2007 Moultrie Feeders