Moultrie Feeders - Helping You Grow the Hunt
The Benefits of Feeding Fish

» Benefits of Feeding Fish
» Moultrie's Nutritional Products
» Tips and Techniques
» Special Offer from Moultrie
Most anglers will tell you that they enjoy the challenge of fishing. Many of those same anglers will also tell you that their enjoyment is doubled when they actually catch something. Using a fish feeder is not only a great way to stack the odds in your favor, but also grow fat, healthy fish. Mike Lambeth shares how using fish feeders can benefit small lake and pond owners. Lambeth takes us through how to select the right type of fish feeder, how to get started using it, and what type of feeds are most beneficial to your fish.

Moultrie's 30-Gallon 

Fish Feeder
Moultrie Introduces the Game Nutrition System
Moultrie's new Nutritional 

Supplements Moultrie has strengthened our commitment to helping you "Grow the Hunt"; and developed the Moultrie Game Nutrition System. This complete collection of nutritional products not only attracts deer to your property, but gives them proper nutrition to grow big and strong. From feed supplements that contain extra protein, to ground minerals formulated with the highest-quality chelated minerals and vitamins, each part of Moultrie's system plays a critical role in your year-round management strategy. When it comes to attracting, holding and growing deer, Moultrie has their number.

Tips and Techniques Tips and Techniques
Spring and summer are the most critical months for providing supplemental vitamins and minerals to your deer heard. It is a known fact that deer will seek out minerals. Keep deer on your property by establishing your own mineral sites. Trophy Maker Spring and Summer Minerals help provide beneficial calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins critical for antler growth in bucks. Does utilize the minerals, passing on important vitamins and nutrients to fawns.

  • Location- To create a mineral site find a small spot of fertile soil near a green field or a feeder. This creates the habit of deer visiting both sites.
  • Directions- Clear away vegetation in a 4-foot diameter. Rake the area, loosening the soil, leaving approximately a 6-inch hole in the center. Pour the contents of Trophy Maker M1 into the center of the area. Do not cover.
  • Frequency- For best results refresh the mineral site every 2-3 months depending on how much use the site is receiving.
Special Offer from Moultrie

Land a Great Deal On Moultrie Fish Feeders

  • Receive 15% off all Bill Dance Signature Series FeedCaster Fish Feeders
  • Choose from different models to meet your management needs
  • Offer ends May 15, 2009

Moultrie Specials
© 2009 Moultrie Feeders